
St Mary and St Joseph'sRoman Catholic Primary SchoolBeing different, belonging together in the family of God


Welcome toSt Mary and St Joseph'sRoman Catholic Primary SchoolBeing different, belonging together in the family of God

Year 3

Welcome to Year Three


This year your teacher will be Mrs Parker supported by Miss Hussain and Miss Walls. Below you will find key information for Year 3, an overview of the curriculum, end of year expectations and links to websites which you may find useful. Photographs of our work and special events will also be shared through the Year 3 Class Dojo page. 


Homework in Year 3 is given on a Friday and we ask that it is returned by the following Friday either via Dojo or as a photocopied version if requested.  Home learning usually consists of one Maths activity linked to work completed during the week or times tables and an English activity linked to sentence/grammar work completed during the week.  In addition to this, we encourage children to read daily for at least 15 minutes at home and ask that children bring reading books into school daily.   


P.E in Year 3 takes place on a Tuesday afternoon and swimming lessons on a Thursday afternoon until the end of the Spring term.


If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us. We are available on the playground at the end of the day or you can contact the school office if you wish to arrange a phone call or make an appointment. 

At St Mary and St Joseph's we have our pupils at the heart of every decision we make and as such our curriculum has been designed to meet the needs of all our children.  We provide a creative curriculum based around the Cornerstones Curriculum, a nationally recognised approach for delivering outstanding learning opportunities for children. 

Each term the children will complete one main project which will be accompanied by short mini projects. Below is an overview of the main projects which we will cover in Year Three. To see an overview for the whole curriculum please use the Curriculum Overview icon below.


Please keep posted to the Latest News section of the website and Class Dojo where you will be kept up to date with all the amazing things going on in our class and around school. 



Autumn Term


Through the Ages


This project teaches children about British prehistory from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, including changes to people and lifestyle caused by ingenuity, invention and technological advancement.

                                                                             Spring Term 


   Rocks, Relics and Rumbles




This project teaches children about the features and characteristics of Earth's layers,  including a detailed exploration of volcanic, tectonic and seismic activity

Summer Term


Emperors and Empires



This project teaches children about the history and structure of ancient Rome and the Roman Empire, including a detailed exploration of the Romanisation of Britain.


Useful information and resources linked to the topics.

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Exploring Roman Artefacts - We made predictions about what some of the objects might be and what they may have been used for.

Healthy mind, body and spirit week - Meditation

Oral health

We made murti (images) of the Hindu God Ganesh which are used during the Hindu festival Ganesh Chaturthi.

Christmas Party Lunch

We enjoyed a lovely Christmas party lunch today and would like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful kitchen and lunchtime staff, wishing them a very 'Happy Christmas!' from Year 3.

Year 3's History trip to Outdoor Elements

Year 3 enjoyed a trip to Outdoor Elements as part of our History topic 'Through the Ages'.  They experienced Stone Age life and skills such as hunting skills (archery), cooking skills (making and cooking bread on an open fire) and building shelters using what they could find in the woods and testing them to see if they were waterproof.  The children had such an amazing time and this trip brought their learning to life!

No Pens Wednesday is the day when we have to put more focus on our creative and speaking and listening skills because we can't use any writing tools!  This year in Year 3 we designed and made some taco fillings, using our food preparation and cooking skills.  They were delicious!

We also developed our art and design skills by using a range of skills to make Beaker Pots, using clay, like the ones introduced and used in the Bronze Age.  We made slip to help to stick the parts of our pots together and we used rolling, coiling and pinching skills to create the shape of the pot, which is traditionally an upside down bell shape!  

We visited Queen's Park on Friday 12th November, to look at how the trees and plants are changing at this time of year.  

The children used their observation skills to see what was happening to the trees and plants at this time of year and to think about how and why some trees lose their leaves and why some don't.  We collected some samples of leaves and compared them, thinking about why some leaves stay green in the autumn and why some change colour?  We also made some predictions how the trees might have changed when we come back to see them in the spring and summer. 
