
St Mary and St Joseph'sRoman Catholic Primary SchoolBeing different, belonging together in the family of God


Welcome toSt Mary and St Joseph'sRoman Catholic Primary SchoolBeing different, belonging together in the family of God

Caritas in Action Overview

  Dignity of the Human Person





God made me and loves me very much.God loves us equally as His children.We are all equal in God's eyes and loved
God made me and all my friends very beautiful.We are all different and amazing.I have been given a special gift for the world.
We show our love for each other.We love and look after each other because we are brothers and sisters.Each person is unique and irreplaceable-everyone matters.
We thank God for loving us and our love for each other.Loving each other makes us strong.People matter more than possessions.




Family and Community





My family at home.We are all part of a community.What makes community?
My school family.We look after and care for each other.Who is in my community?

We are all different and we care

for each other.

I belong to my family and community.Building up my community.

We love and look after each other

because we are  all brothers and sisters

in God's family.

My community needs me.Building up the Kingdom of God.




 Solidarity and the Common Good




We are friends.

We are brothers and sisters - one family-

one world.

I listen to you with my ears, eyes, heart

and mind.

We play together in love and peace.We learn together.We walk together as people of peace.
We help each other.We build together a community of peace.We face challenges together.
We thank God for each other.We celebrate together. Building our mission team.




      Rights and Responsibilities





God wants everyone to be happy.Happiness is? Exploring what makes us happy.

Barriers to happiness.


God gives us all we need to be happy.Finding happiness with each other.

Exploring our responsibilities for each


Making the right choices.Helping each other to make the right choices.

Recognising the difference between

rights and responsibilities.

We share all God's gifts.Fair shares for all.Happiness comes in sharing and giving.




Option for the poor and the vulnerable





God's gifts are for everyone (food, clothing , education, medical etc).Some of God's family have plenty of food, toys and clothes. Some don't.

Why are some p[arts of our area richer or poorer than others?

Learning to share our toys and food with our friends so that everybody has enough.Exploring the feelings of those who have plenty and those who have little.What are the needs of those in a poor area compared with those in a rich area?
Helping everybody be happy by playing, sharing and learning together.Working together to make our family happy. Exploring fairness and justice.Helping others to see brothers and sisters, not strangers, in need. Raising awareness locally and nationally. 
Using our gifts to help others.Who needs our help? How can we help?Being Christ's voice in our area for those who need us the most.



      The Dignity of Work





We are helping to do God's work.Everybody's work is important for the community.Explaining our understanding of work. How does work build us up?
We use our gifts for each other.Working together to build up our school community. The many sides of working together to build up a community. 
Everybody's gifts are needed to build God's world.Finding my special job-my gift to the world.Recognising and helping others to find their gift and share it.
When we build together we can do much more.Working hard to be the best you can be for others.Enabling each other to aim high.








Discovering God's beautiful creation.Learning from God's creation.

All things are connected.


Playing in and caring for creation.Making good choices - being responsible. 

Enough for everybody's need but not

everybody's greed.

Helping God's Creation grow.God's Gardeners.Stewards of God's world. 
Celebrating God's creation.Celebrating harvest.Seeing God in Creation.

