
St Mary and St Joseph'sRoman Catholic Primary SchoolBeing different, belonging together in the family of God


Welcome toSt Mary and St Joseph'sRoman Catholic Primary SchoolBeing different, belonging together in the family of God

Prayer and Liturgy

The celebration of Catholic liturgies and prayer is an integral part of our day at St Mary and St Joseph's which enables or school community to become reflective, experience the presence of God and support us in developing a mature spiritual life.


Throughout the week our pupils experience a range of liturgical treasures of the church, including a repertoire of prayers and liturgical music with which the children come familiar with.


             Overview of Prayer and Liturgy Provision



Morning Prayer

Prayer Before Lunch

Prayer after Lunch

Ten:Ten whole school worship linked to Sunday's Gospel or Liturgical Time. Led by SLT and G.I.F.T Team


Morning Prayer

Prayer Before Lunch

Prayer after Lunch

1st Tuesday of every month Virtues Assembly/ or Key Stage worship linked to the Gospel from Sunday or Liturgical time led by teaching staff and G.I.F.T Team.


Morning Prayer

Prayer Before Lunch

Prayer After Lunch

Class celebration of the word based on Virtues. Lead by pupils.


Morning Prayer

Prayer Before Lunch

Prayer After Lunch

Class Assembly or Praise through Song


Morning Prayer

Prayer Before Lunch

Prayer After Lunch

Celebration S.P.I.R.I.T Assembly led by Headteacher and G.I.F.T Team.


  • Eucharist Celebration of Mass is led by Father Ged Barry once per half term and at significant times or seasons within the liturgical year.
  • Whole school stations of the cross will be said during Lent.
  • Opportunities for children to participate in the Rosary will be made during the months of May and October.
  • Children will be supported to know the mass responses providing them with the opportunity to participate as appropriate.
  • In addition, Key Stage 2 will know the 'Angel of God' prayer and the 'Eternal Rest' to say at times when we pray for those who have died.


 The Apostles Creed, The Magnificat, and The Come Holy Spirit will be taught and known to the children through the RE Curriculum.

