
St Mary and St Joseph'sRoman Catholic Primary SchoolBeing different, belonging together in the family of God


Welcome toSt Mary and St Joseph'sRoman Catholic Primary SchoolBeing different, belonging together in the family of God

Year 2

Year 2



Welcome to our class page. We would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your child and are looking forward to a successful and enjoyable year. This year your teachers will be Mrs Addy on Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Scholfield for the remainder of the week. Your child will also be supported in class by Miss Kilcoine. Below you will find key information for Year 2, an overview of the curriculum, end of year expectations and links to websites which you may find useful. Photographs of our work and special events will be shared through the Year 2 Class Dojo school page. 

If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact us. We are available on the playground at the end of the day or call the school office if you wish to make an appointment. 

At St Mary and St Joseph's we have our pupils at the heart of every decision we make and as such our curriculum has been designed to meet the needs of all our children.  We provide a creative curriculum based around the Cornerstones Curriculum, a nationally recognised approach for delivering outstanding learning opportunities for children. 

Each term the children will complete one main project which will be accompanied by short mini projects. Below is an overview of the main projects which we will cover in Year Two. To see an overview for the whole curriculum please use the Curriculum Overview icon at the bottom

   Autumn Term



   Movers and Shakers

This project teaches children about historically significant people who have had a major impact on the world. They will learn to use timelines, stories and historical sources to find out about the people featured and use historical models to explore their significance.



   Remarkable Recipes

This project teaches children about sources of food and tools used for food preparation. They also discover why some foods are cooked and learn to read a simple recipe. The children choose and make a new school meal that fulfils specific design criteria.



Still Life

This project teaches children about the work of significant still life artists and still life techniques. They explore a wide variety of still lifes and learn about the use of colour and composition. They create still life arrangements and artwork.



   Mix it up

This project teaches children about basic colour theory by studying the colour wheel and colour mixing. It includes an exploration of primary and secondary colours and how artists use colour in their artwork.



                                          Let's Explore the World

This essential skills and knowledge project teaches children about atlases, maps and cardinal compass points. They learn about the characteristics of the four countries of the United Kingdom and find out why there are hot, temperate and cold places around the world. They also compare England to Somalia. Children carry out fieldwork, collecting primary data in their locality to answer geographical questions.


