Caritas Award
Caritas Award Winner
Caritas Award Winner
This year is very special for the Catholic Church as we celebrate the Jubilee Year. To begin our celebrations in school the G.I.F.T team led a whole school worship. They did a fantastic job of letting everyone know why Catholics are celebrating the Jubilee Year, how this will be done and how we will celebrate in school. During the Jubilee many Catholics take a pilgrimage to Rome. Here they are are able to connect with God and make a renewed commitment to their faith. The theme of Jubilee 2025 is hope. Hope helps us not to give up and tells us something new and bright is coming. God gives us hope. The symbol shows a colourful image representing people from different countries in unity. The anchor symbolises God's love. There is a figure holding the cross at the front and there are rough waves underneath symbolising the difficult times we pass through in life.
Our amazing Key Stage 1 children put on an amazing show.
Introducing our new G.I.F.T team for 24 -25.
This month our virtue was integrity. This is a person's commitment to honesty and a willingness to do what is right. It was wonderful to hear from the staff how these children show integrity and the impact which they have on those around them. Well done. children.
Thank you to all of our families who donated clothing to be up-cycled for our un-fast fashion project. All of the remaining clothes were donated in the local charity bank.
Here are some of the amazing posters made by the children during our Un-fast Fashion project. They really do showcase the talent of our pupils and how much they have learnt about caring for God's Creation.
Earlier in the year we applied for a bid of £500 towards a project linked to global issues. We were successful in our bid which was based around teaching the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling in relation to the global obsession with fast fashion. We worked alongside Andrea Westall and each class undertook a project to design and create a fashion item which was either up- cycled or made from re-cyclable materials. The children had great fun bringing their designs to life. All of the children also created a poster to share information about the impact of fast fashion on our climate, wildlife and workforce. All of this hard work culminated into a fashion show for our families and communities. Thank you to every one who came along to support us. We hope that you enjoyed watching the fashion show as much as the children did.
This month we have been thinking about our virtue of 'Kindness'. We were proud to award these children with the 'Bee Award' and it was wonderful to show how their kindness shines each and every day in school. Well done.
Today we were joined by Greg from The Mark 10 Mission. He led the whole school worship and class worship through his unique celebrations of the word. It was lovely to see the children taking part and sharing the scripture through reflection and coming together through prayer.
We are proud to announce that our school has been chosen to design, plant and maintain some of the planters on Blackburn Station platforms. Today our gardening club and Mrs Ramsden made a start. The children had a great time digging out the weeds and planting a wide variety of plants. The planters looked beautiful once finished and can now be enjoyed by the community. Excellent work team! As part of our Laudato Si' Mission it is our privilege to continue this work.